Speakers Bureau

The Speakers Bureau is one of the best tools your Sisterhood can use. Your Sisterhood is allowed one speaker from WRJ every two years and one speaker from your district's list of speakers in the alternate year. You can request a speaker for your general membership meeting or for a joint meeting with other affiliated Sisterhoods in your city or local area.

Your Sisterhood will incur very little expense. Treat the speaker as you would a guest in your home. Assist her with transportation connections and hotel arrangements. All costs are paid by the WRJ national or the district. It is customary to honor the speaker when she comes to visit by making a voluntary donation to the WRJ Project or activity of your choice.

For the foreseeable future speakers will be virtual, so there is no expense.

For a WRJ Speaker visit the WRJ website

For a District Speaker, contact Betsy Garfield. Please let her know at least 8 weeks before the date needed. 

Leadership Development

Leadership Development works to help Sisterhoods develop and retain their leadership through program ideas and group building activities.

Contact: Cheryl Raskind-Hood

Judaica Shops

Judaica Shops are included as a fundraising source, but should also be considered a service, a teaching tool, and a practical source of Judaica for the Sisterhoods and congregations that they serve. The Judaica Shop maybe the only place in your community to purchase Jewish art.


Membership works to help Sisterhoods increase and maintain membership levels through various programs and outreach ideas to prospective members. Having a large membership base can decrease the workload on each individual in your Sisterhood, thus giving each of you more time to enjoy those programs you work so hard on.

Contact: Cheryl Raskind-Hood

New Affiliate Chairs

The New Affiliates Coordinator on the district level works closely with the Membership Chair, helping with new affiliate Sisterhoods in the district, and helping to attract new affiliates. A prospect sisterhood must belong to a URJ affiliates congregation.

Contact: Cheryl Raskind-Hood

The Torah:
A Women's Commentary

The Torah: A Women's Commentary is the landmark volume considered by WRJ, and authored only by women. The world's leading Jewish female Bible scholars, Rabbis, historians, philosophers and archeologists authored the book under the leadership of editors Dr Tamara Cohn Eskenazi and Rabbi Andrea L. Weiss.

At the 58th annual Jewish Book Awards ceremony in 2009, The Torah: A Women's Commentary won the Everett Family Foundation Jewish Book of the Year award.

Visit WRJ website for more information.

Visit WRJ Books & Music to Order


Contact: Cheryl Raskind-Hood

Ongoing Exhibits

Jewish Museum of Florida, Miami Beach, FL

Florida Holocaust Museum, St Petersburg FL

Contact Us

Faith Alexander

WRJ Southeast District


Congregation Schaarai Zedek

Tampa, FL



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