633 Third Avenue

New York, NY 10017

Phone 212.650.4050


Fax 212.650.4059



The major legislative body of WRJ is the group of delegates from affiliated sisterhoods who meet bi-annually at the WRJ assembly and are responsible for voting on WRJ constitutional revisions, considering and voting on resolutions, and electing members to the WRJ Board of Directors. Currently, the WRJ Southeast District holds interim meetings and a convention is held every three years. The Executive Committee meets once a year in person to conduct business and meets bimonthly via video conference calling.

Between assemblies, the business of WRJ is conducted by its board of directors and the executive committee.

Given the widespread geographic distribution of affiliated sisterhoods in the United States and Canada, WRJ affiliated sisterhoods are grouped into district federations. District federations serve as liaisons between local sisterhoods and WRJ, and provide leadership training and support. District federations inform our local affiliates of the programs and projects of WRJ, as well as provide assistance and guidance for implementation of these projects. Currently, WRJ has eight districts comprised of nearly 500 sisterhoods with 65,000 members.

For specific information on contacts in WRJ, use the following links:

  • WRJ Board
  • WRJ Districts
  • WRJ Sisterhoods
  • WRJ Staff

Contact Us

Faith Alexander

WRJ Southeast District


Congregation Schaarai Zedek

Tampa, FL



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